Friday, February 22, 2008

A Must Read Blog

So, thanks to my good Friend Erin, I'm now addicted to this blog. It's written by a city girl that married a cowboy and moved to a ranch. She was even featured on Anyway, she started writing about how she met her husband and it's SO GOOD! I'm going to post the link just to that story. Read from the bottom. Once you are all caught up, go to her home page and check her out.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My 15 Minutes of Fame

OK, here it is!! I'm at the very end. Don't look at the horrible jacket they made me wear though...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The First Day of Soccer...

Well, today did not go so well. Ethan did not get a chance to have practice first so he did not know any of the kids. Right when we get to the field, he saw a little boy that he knows on the other team. He then started thinking that he needed to go to THAT team and refused to go out on his field. This went on until his coach held his hand and took him on the field. That lasted for all of 5 minutes. He kicked the ball once and then got upset and cacme off of the field, continually insisting that he should be on the other team. It was so bad that we told the coach that we would just see him at the next practice and left. He cried all the way home. Here are some pics and the only time he was on the field. Look at his face on the last one, that said it all! Oh, and doesn't he look cute?? Click to enlarge.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ethan's Hair (or lack thereof) Update

Well, I took him to school yesterday with a beenie hat on. I told the teachers to let him wear it all day and not to mention anything to him about it. He's been so upset and asking us to make his hair grow back and to make him a boy again. It's really hard watching him be so upset. By the time I picked him up from school yesterday, he was better and had actually taken his hat off. He did want to wear it again today, so I let him. We are just not making a big deal out of it and trying to show him that it is OK.

He is supposed to start soccer today but we may just get rained out. We went last night to buy his soccer ball, shin guards, socks, and cleats. His team colors will be black and silver so we bought him some silver with black cleats. I'll get some pictures of him playing soon!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ahhhh My Baby's Hair!!!!

Ethan got ahold of Jerry's clippers when we weren't looking and took it in his bathroom. Needless to say, he is very traumatized by it and was bawling. We had to shave his entire head to his scalp and he's been crying asking for his hair back. He really is freaked about it and went to bed with a hat on!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

3 Brothers

Sorry these took so long to get posted. Ethan had such a good time with his brothers here. Click to enlarge.


Here are some pictures from when Boo spent the night and then Ethan over at Tiffany's house. Click to enlarge.